Wendell Berry, Thomas Merton, and Dorothy Day have deeply ruined me in many ways, so I will welcome it! I have read a couple of Illich's essays and I know I need to read more. He's a fascinating character.
It’s so sad that education in America has become fulfilling industry’s wishes for Good Little Workers, without any respect for what is holistically needed in education and for society, for future generations. Good luck in improving on that model that has become engrained at all levels of education. It’s so sad to see that, for example, my alma mater, UT-Austin’s Jackson School of Geosciences’ retiring Dean stated that her biggest accomplishment was creating a “lasting curriculum” that “served industry’s needs.” God help us.
Great essay James, and wholeheartedly agree. It seems like the UK education system is getting worse in this regard (churning out workers, not thinkers). I cannot remember ever being taught how to think during school - it was all about awaiting knowledge to pass exams.
I was reading Berry tonight on Family Work - that essay contains a very good section on education that you might want to read If you haven't already)
The next time I drive up to Stamford, I’m going to bring you a copy of Ivan illich’s book on education. Fair warning: it will ruin you.
Wendell Berry, Thomas Merton, and Dorothy Day have deeply ruined me in many ways, so I will welcome it! I have read a couple of Illich's essays and I know I need to read more. He's a fascinating character.
It’s so sad that education in America has become fulfilling industry’s wishes for Good Little Workers, without any respect for what is holistically needed in education and for society, for future generations. Good luck in improving on that model that has become engrained at all levels of education. It’s so sad to see that, for example, my alma mater, UT-Austin’s Jackson School of Geosciences’ retiring Dean stated that her biggest accomplishment was creating a “lasting curriculum” that “served industry’s needs.” God help us.
Great essay James, and wholeheartedly agree. It seems like the UK education system is getting worse in this regard (churning out workers, not thinkers). I cannot remember ever being taught how to think during school - it was all about awaiting knowledge to pass exams.
I was reading Berry tonight on Family Work - that essay contains a very good section on education that you might want to read If you haven't already)